Looking for some quick tips for a photo session? Michael Cairns is an experienced photographer with an extensive and varied art background, having worked with Vincent Price, the Orlando Magic basketball team, the Orlando Ballet, and Walt Disney World, among others. His website, WetOrangeStudio.com, features portrait, commercial, and performance photography. Below, Cairns lays out 10 essential tips for the next time you’re in front of a camera.

1. Be on time.
2. Know what you want out of your session; make it productive by getting different looks that emphasize your type and how that can be used in commercials, TV, and film.
3. Use a real professional with experience. Your headshot reveals the value you put into this business.
4. Be rested, fed, and hydrated.
5. Don’t be a pain in the butt; be likeable and the photographer will work harder for you.
6. Bring clothing that is pressed clean and looking sharp. The trendier it is the faster your photos will be outdated.
7. Easy on the retouching. This is not Instagram; the people that want to hire you will not appreciate you looking different than your headshot.
8. Makeup should enhance but not distract; keep it simple and timeless.
9. Own what you have; I run into people over and over that will say they will see me when they drop some weight. I never see them.
10. Be on time!

Above, Cairns (far right) and his clients examine shots taken during a photography session.
Below are some selections from Michael’s portfolio that feature standout headshots.

© 2016 Michael Cairns

© 2016 Michael Cairns